The Endangered Species Act: Our Tool to Save them All

Our Tool to Save Them All Species on Earth continue to dwindle toward extinction due to disease, human actions, and other factors. We must protect species native to our own country and around the world. The Endangered Species Act plays a vital role in protecting these species by mitigating the factors that affect their survival. […]

Spix’s Macaw

Species in Peril: SPIX’s MACAW Bringing them back from extinction These birds are movie stars Spix’s Macaw, the smallest of the blue macaw, was first discovered and documented in the early 19 century. In the two hundred years since its discovery, there were only a handful of observations of Spix’s Macaws in their natural habitat. […]

Amazon Extinction Debt

Deforestation drives the Amazon's extinction debt

The Amazon Rainforest is many things: the world’s largest rainforest, home to one million indigenous people, a carbon sink helping to alleviate climate change. It is also a biodiversity hotspot providing habitat for 10% of all known species on this planet. Sadly, decades of deforestation have jeopardized all of the Amazon’s important functions. While this […]

Giraffe Population Decline Across Africa

African elephants are an infamous martyr to human encroachment and poaching. Their population’s devastating decline inspires outrage and calls for increased conservation. But, in the shadow of this outcry, another struggling African icon still waits for witnesses. The giraffe population decline is so severe, there are fewer giraffes than elephants left on this planet. Across […]


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