News & Articles
By JoAnn Kelly

Endangered Wildlife Can Help Fight Global Warming

What if saving the very animals that are threatened by climate change could solve global warming? Climate change is harming wildlife around the globe and puts more at risk of extinction with every degree of global warming. A United Nations report shows that 4 percent

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Lucy Hunt

Protecting the Lemurs of Madagascar

Protecting the Lemurs of Madagascar As we end the month of October, everyone is getting ready for the holidays, but there’s another important date that is often overlooked—World Lemur Day! This World Lemur Day, we are highlighting a wonderful organization dedicated to protecting the endangered

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News & Articles
Chelsea Xie

Shattering Life: The True Impact of Habitat Fragmentation

What is Habitat Fragmentation? Usually, habitat and fragmentation are separate words. So it might be a bit confusing when they are put together in one term. Let’s break it down. A habitat is the home of plants and animals, and it often contains the factors

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News & Articles
Alex williams

Don’t Feed the Trash – The Opportunity Found in Food Waste

Food Waste in the United States When it comes to how individuals can make a difference in climate change, the feeling is predominantly hopeless, but there is a standout opportunity in all that melancholy, food waste. Research by Project Drawdown identifies reducing food waste as

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Kwenda High School

Student Chapter Spotlight: Kwenda High School The students of Kwenda High School  Values that lead us 01 Think big Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed auctor turpis eu arcu sagittis, id sagittis 02 Follow the data Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

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A New Perspective
Octavia Muzondo

Efforts To Protect Wildlife

Efforts To Protect Wildlife Conservation of our biodiversity does not only demonstrate foresight, but it also protects the natural resources so vital to our own continued existence. The value of any single species to an ecosystem is immeasurable, the environment will not endure without its

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A New Perspective
Jim Paymar

Have we already crossed the tipping point?

My Cold Hometown is Baking  By Jim Paymar   I was born and raised in the coldest city in the lower 48 States of America, Duluth, Minnesota. It rests on a glacially formed hillside on the western tip of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake

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