Glaciers around the world are melting. Why should we care?

A Melting Planet: glacier regression and rising sea levels Trift Glacier, Switzerland. Left (2006), Right (2015). Photo by Extreme Ice Survey Glaciers around the world are melting. Why should we care? Well, let’s first take a look at the United States. Almost 40% of our population lives in a coastal area. That means 40% of […]

Louisiana wetlands are disappearing and it’s impacting wildlife

Every hour, we lose about a football field of Louisiana Wetlands to the ocean.  This loss is caused by a combination of factors, some natural and some man-made, and is leading to an ongoing environmental crisis that is already having extreme ramifications on not only native species but also human populations living in the area. Unchecked, […]

The War Against Rhino Poaching

An Iconic Animal on the brink The rhinoceros is a uniquely beautiful animal to be in the presence of. Its massive size and strength are of Jurassic proportions is a sight to behold. However, the time to witness one of these animals in the wild is ticking away as rhinos are being poached to extinction. […]

How climate change is affecting the survival of Emperor Penguins   The iconic inhabitants of Antarctica Antarctica is the coldest, driest, windiest place on Earth. Its harsh climate sees winter temperatures as low as -60 degrees Celsius (-76 degrees Fahrenheit). These extreme temperatures, however, do not make it immune to the effects of a warming planet. In fact, this frozen world is home to […]

Creating a better world through conservation efforts

There is hope. Five years ago, I set out to create a small nonprofit that would provide an education hub about the plight of endangered species around the world and maybe even raise a few dollars here and there to help with conservation projects in the field. Now here we are five years later, and […]

22 Sustainable Resolutions for 2022

22 Sustainable Resolutions for 2022 With the new year, comes new resolutions. It is clear, as highlighted by the Paris Climate Agreement, that climate change needs to be addressed today. This year, we hope you choose to reduce your carbon footprint and develop sustainable living patterns.  1 – Use Reusable Items This one can be […]

The Bushmeat Trade

Introduction to the Bushmeat Trade Poaching is usually portrayed in the media with images of rhinoceros killed for their horns and elephants murdered for their tusks. While this is certainly happening—and it’s a travesty where and when it occurs—it’s far from the extent of this dangerous industry. Poaching, particularly in Africa, involves a wide variety […]

North American Animals Affected by Climate Change

There are currently an estimated 1,300 endangered or threatened animal species in North America alone, whose numbers have been severely affected by human activity. Globally, in just the past five centuries, we’ve witnessed the extinction of an equivalent of almost two species per year. That rough estimate only includes species of our knowledge. It’s crucial […]

Beef and the Amazon Rainforest

Lungs of the World  For the last three years, the Amazon rainforest–often called the “Lungs of the World”–has been burning. In 2020 alone, more than 19 million acres of forest were destroyed by fires that devastated the world’s largest rainforest (Vox). This destruction has caused a feedback loop of heating and drying that is only […]

How Technology Can Help the Climate Crisis

Films from the 80s, such as Bladerunner, predicted that we’d have flying cars and infinite, sky-high architectural structures. Our supposed, imminent reality is also shown in Avatar, an imaginative film that showed thriving life only outside of Earth. The reason movies are thought-provoking is that they imprint your memory with possible futures. It can be […]

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