Plastic’s impact on the environment

Plastic, in its essence, is a miracle product. The ability of single-use items to be manufactured in a cheap and quick manner has changed the way everything works. Packaging, construction, textiles, fishing nets, technology, medical devices and endless other things have been revolutionized by various forms of synthetic polymer compounds. Plastic is such a miracle […]

Bumblebees are disappearing. What you can do about it?


What’s with all the buzz to save the bumblebees? Bees play a critical role in the environment. As pollinators, they support the growth and life of the base of every food chain; plants. Bees are the main insect pollinators, and honey bees alone are predicted to pollinate 80% of flowering plants in North America. The […]

The Majestic Giant Sequoias: Can they be saved?

Giant Sequoias

Giant Sequoias: The Greatest Threat to Their Survival and What We Can Do to Save These Natural Wonder In 2020, Castle Fire raged through both Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. This wildfire was responsible for the loss of 10-14% of the entire population of giant sequoias, which only grow in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. […]

The Environmental Impact of your Diet

This year, the global population of cows hit 1 billion. Agriculture and food production is one of the biggest markets in the world. The meat-rich diets that have been adopted and increasing populations in recent years have accelerated the rate at which the environment is damaged in the process of food production. The global environmental […]

Big Cat Poaching: how to save our endangered felines from extinction

Poaching is the illegal hunting or capture of animals, and it is one of the biggest threats that exist to big cats. Lions, tigers, and jaguars are facing dwindling populations as a result of the years of overhunting. Without intervention and regulation, the animals may one day not exist in the wild, or at all. […]

Overfishing: The Biggest Form of Poaching in the World

The consequences of poaching extend across the lines of moral, environmental, and human rights issues. It is an issue that is immensely complex to solve as it stretches to every corner of the planet, including the ocean. Illegal capture and killing of fish is one of the biggest forms of poaching in the world, and […]


Species in Peril: GIRAFFES The tallest land animal on the planet These Cats are Fast! The cheetah is the world’s fastest land mammal. With acceleration that would leave most automobiles in the dust, a cheetah can go from 0 to 60 miles an hour in only three seconds. These big cats are quite nimble at […]

The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue.

When we talk about climate change, it often provokes conversation about the future and what it will look like. There’s talk of models and clocks and predictions. Much of the focus is on how much we really need to care and how much change we need to make. How many toxins can we pump into […]

Wildlife conservation success stories that bring hope for the future

Green Sea Turtles  Surrounding the warm coastline of Raine Island off the Great Barrier Reef, hundreds of Green Sea Turtles wait to nest their eggs. At their peak, 60,000 females will nest in this area along with thousands of other females around the world.  Weighing in about 300 bounds, with the ability to live upwards […]

Glaciers around the world are melting. Why should we care?

A Melting Planet: glacier regression and rising sea levels Trift Glacier, Switzerland. Left (2006), Right (2015). Photo by Extreme Ice Survey Glaciers around the world are melting. Why should we care? Well, let’s first take a look at the United States. Almost 40% of our population lives in a coastal area. That means 40% of […]

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