Efforts To Protect Wildlife

Efforts To Protect Wildlife Conservation of our biodiversity does not only demonstrate foresight, but it also protects the natural resources so vital to our own continued existence. The value of any single species to an ecosystem is immeasurable, the environment will not endure without its species, despite its size. As a state we are doing […]
Bushmeat Trade in the Congo

Over 300 species of mammals are threatened with extinction. This includes Great Apes and many endemic species of critically endangered old-world monkeys living in the Congo. Poachers target these animals to sell them alive as exotic pets or in parts to various industries. This includes the bushmeat trade in the Congo, which directly threatens the […]
Whale Bycatch: Killing Species by Accident

A pod of blue whales weaves through Pacific waters, each slender body exceeding the largest dinosaur. A humpback enchants the ocean as his midnight melody travels for miles. A nylon trap twists around a right whale, anchoring her underwater. Eventually, fishermen in pursuit of a different species find and discard her body to the dark […]
Threats to Sea Turtles Around the World

Sea turtles are found in oceans all over the world. They are incredible animals who can live up to 80 years in the wild. Though they have been around for over 100 million years, today 6 of the 7 species are classified as threatened or endangered. Overexploitation, pollution, and habitat loss are serious threats […]
The Endangered Species Act: Our Tool to Save them All

Our Tool to Save Them All Species on Earth continue to dwindle toward extinction due to disease, human actions, and other factors. We must protect species native to our own country and around the world. The Endangered Species Act plays a vital role in protecting these species by mitigating the factors that affect their survival. […]
Wild Animals Belong in the Wild

Wild Animals Belong in the Wild Wild animals and humans were created to coexist on planet Earth, but not to interact. There is a distinct difference between coexisting and interacting. Coexisting means “to exist together or at the same time” or “to live in peace with each other.” Interacting means “to act together” or […]
Arctic Fox

Species in Peril: Snow Foxes Aren’t Always White! As its name suggests, Arctic fox distributes in the high latitude areas of the northern hemisphere. Misguided by lots of photos or videos on social media, people may believe that the Arctic fox, also known as snow fox, always has white fur in order to hide in […]
Pronghorn Antelope

Species in Peril: Antelope, Sheep or Something Else? Pronghorn antelope, pronghorn sheep, American antelope or prongbuck, all of these names refer to the same species native to North America which is simply called Pronghorn. Although this hoofed species looks like an antelope or a goat, it’s unique enough to have its own taxonomic family, Antilocapridae. […]
Bluefin tuna

Species in Peril: Bluefin, the largest tuna The Atlantic bluefin tuna has small yellow fins with black edges and silver dots or bands on their bellies. It can grow up to 900kg and more than three meters and lives in the open seas. It never stops swimming to ensure getting enough oxygen from the water […]
Climate change legislation and big oil

In a poll shared by the Washington Post last year, it was found that 67% of surveyed adults in America believe that climate change is a serious problem. Why don’t people believe the scientists that have been trying to express how detrimental climate change will be? One of the reasons why many Americans may not […]