Student Chapter Spotlight:

Kwenda High School

The students of Kwenda High School 

Values that lead us


Think big

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Follow the data

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Partners, not clients

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Always be learning

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Student Spotlight

Octavia Muzondo Rutendo

Age:17 years
Race: Black African
Nationality: Zimbabwean

Sex: Female
School: Nyatsime College
Year in School: Form 4
Date of Birth: 1 June 2006. Number of Siblings: 1
I only have one pet i.e., a puppy.

When l finish my studies l would like to be a wildlife biologist because l like animals. I started liking animals when l was young. Small animals make me feel better when I am stressed, for example, an ant. Luckily l chose to participate in the wildlife club at our school and l am very happy to be a wildlife defender and an animal champion. l would like to encourage all fellow students in the whole world to take part in protecting and conserving wildlife because it is very useful and important for us and future generations.

See our ideas come to life

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Brands We Partner With

Let’s get creative

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