Species in Peril: OCELOTS An agile and night prowler feline Their range From the southern United States to northern Argentina, the ocelot can be found up to 3,000 meters in elevation (9,800 ft). It’s only found in Texas and Arizona in the United States, and

Red Panda
Species in Peril: RED PANDAS Fierce and adorable animal Communication The red panda has at least seven different vocalizations, including growls, barks, squeals, hoots, bleats, grunts, and twitters. During battles and aggressive chases, growling, barking, grunting, and squealing are common. Hooting is a reaction to

African Rhino
Species in Peril: African Rhino An iconic species in danger of survival Critically endangered Rhinoceros, often abbreviated to rhino, is a group of five extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae. Two of these species are native to Africa and three to Southern Asia.

Striped Hyena
Species in Peril: Striped Hyenas The most isolated and rarest of hyenas Their range The historical range of the striped hyena included Africa north of and including the Sahel zone, eastern Africa south into Tanzania, the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East up to the

Species in Peril: GIRAFFE The tallest living land animal on the planet Giraffe Diet and Habitat There are several giraffe subspecies. While some, like the Angolan giraffe, live in desert areas, most giraffes live in savannahs and open woods. They prefer Acacieae, Commiphora, Combretum, and

Species in Peril: CHIMPANZEES Our closest relatives are very much in danger They are crazy smart Chimpanzees are extremely intelligent and can solve a wide range of issues set before them by human trainers and experimenters. Several researchers have taught chimps to communicate using sign

Species in Peril: MACAWS Going extinct because of their beauty A bird amongst us Macaws are the brilliantly colored king-sized members of the parrot family. Macaws have typical parrot features. Their big size and vibrant colors make them hard to overlook. Macaws use their