The Dark World Of The Exotic Pet Trade

Look at him Do you see his mother’s blood spill onto his fur? His face buried in her limp body unable to muffle his family’s screams ringing through the rainforest, rifle shots and the thud of ten bodies to the ground. Machetes carve through the

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Komodo Dragon

Species in Peril: KOMODO DRAGON The biggest lizard on the planet These Cats are Fast! The Komodo dragon or as locally known as Ora in its natural habitat on the island of Komodo in Indonesia. Komodo dragons are about 2.5 meters long and weigh 45

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Yantse Finless Porpoise

Species in Peril: Yantse Finless Porpoise Only Freshwater Porpoises left in the World These Cats are Fast! Unlike their marine relatives, Yangtze finless porpoises is a freshwater species which can only be found in Yangtze river. They once shared their home with their close cousin,

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Sumatran Elephant

Species in Peril: Sumatran Elephant A small but mighty pachyderm in trouble Characteristics Asian elephants are smaller and have the highest body point on the head than African elephants. One finger-like process extends from the tip of their trunk. Their backs are level or convex.

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Addax Antelope

Species in Peril: Addax Antelopes Their beautiful horns make them a target A desert, social animal These animals are primarily nocturnal, especially during the summer. During the day, they burrow into the sand in shady spots and rest in these depressions, which also serve as

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News & Articles
Rachel Spaulding

Overfishing: The Biggest Form of Poaching in the World

The consequences of poaching extend across the lines of moral, environmental, and human rights issues. It is an issue that is immensely complex to solve as it stretches to every corner of the planet, including the ocean. Illegal capture and killing of fish is one

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Species in Peril
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Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle

Species in Peril: KEMP’S RIDLEY SEA TURTLES The most endangered of all sea turtles Also the smallest of them all The Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle is the smallest sea turtle in the world reaching only two feet in shell length and weighing up to 100

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A New Perspective
Rachel Spaulding

Climate Anxiety: Navigating a Doomed World

Climate anxiety occurs when one feels fear and worry of the consequences of climate change. To an extent, I believe that everyone experiences this lurking fear on some level. When you turn on the news you see the latest devastating wildfire, open instagram and you

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