Species in Peril: GIRAFFE The tallest living land animal on the planet Giraffe Diet and Habitat There are several giraffe subspecies. While some, like the Angolan giraffe, live in desert areas, most giraffes live in savannahs and open woods. They prefer Acacieae, Commiphora, Combretum, and open Terminalia woodlands over denser habitats, such as Brachystegia woodlands. […]
Giraffe Population Decline Across Africa
African elephants are an infamous martyr to human encroachment and poaching. Their population’s devastating decline inspires outrage and calls for increased conservation. But, in the shadow of this outcry, another struggling African icon still waits for witnesses. The giraffe population decline is so severe, there are fewer giraffes than elephants left on this planet. Across […]