Protecting the Lemurs of Madagascar

Protecting the Lemurs of Madagascar As we end the month of October, everyone is getting ready for the holidays, but there’s another important date that is often overlooked—World Lemur Day! This World Lemur Day, we are highlighting a wonderful organization dedicated to protecting the endangered lemurs of Madagascar. What Is Lemur Love? Lemur Love is […]
Bushmeat Trade in the Congo

Over 300 species of mammals are threatened with extinction. This includes Great Apes and many endemic species of critically endangered old-world monkeys living in the Congo. Poachers target these animals to sell them alive as exotic pets or in parts to various industries. This includes the bushmeat trade in the Congo, which directly threatens the […]
Wild Animals Belong in the Wild

Wild Animals Belong in the Wild Wild animals and humans were created to coexist on planet Earth, but not to interact. There is a distinct difference between coexisting and interacting. Coexisting means “to exist together or at the same time” or “to live in peace with each other.” Interacting means “to act together” or […]
The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue

The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue. When we talk about climate change, it often provokes conversation about the future and what it will look like. There’s talk of models and clocks and predictions. Much of the focus is on how much we really need to care and how much change we need to make. […]
Plastic’s impact on the environment

Plastic, in its essence, is a miracle product. The ability of single-use items to be manufactured in a cheap and quick manner has changed the way everything works. Packaging, construction, textiles, fishing nets, technology, medical devices and endless other things have been revolutionized by various forms of synthetic polymer compounds. Plastic is such a miracle […]
Bumblebees are disappearing. What you can do about it?

What’s with all the buzz to save the bumblebees? Bees play a critical role in the environment. As pollinators, they support the growth and life of the base of every food chain; plants. Bees are the main insect pollinators, and honey bees alone are predicted to pollinate 80% of flowering plants in North America. The […]
Sumatran Elephant

Species in Peril: Sumatran Elephant A small but mighty pachyderm in trouble Characteristics Asian elephants are smaller and have the highest body point on the head than African elephants. One finger-like process extends from the tip of their trunk. Their backs are level or convex. Females are often smaller than males and have tusks that […]
Addax Antelope

Species in Peril: Addax Antelopes Their beautiful horns make them a target A desert, social animal These animals are primarily nocturnal, especially during the summer. During the day, they burrow into the sand in shady spots and rest in these depressions, which also serve as sandstorm shelter. Addax herds range in size from five to […]

Species in Peril: GIRAFFE The tallest living land animal on the planet Giraffe Diet and Habitat There are several giraffe subspecies. While some, like the Angolan giraffe, live in desert areas, most giraffes live in savannahs and open woods. They prefer Acacieae, Commiphora, Combretum, and open Terminalia woodlands over denser habitats, such as Brachystegia woodlands. […]
The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue.

When we talk about climate change, it often provokes conversation about the future and what it will look like. There’s talk of models and clocks and predictions. Much of the focus is on how much we really need to care and how much change we need to make. How many toxins can we pump into […]