A Gentle and Kinder Way to Travel – Respecting Wildlife and Nature

What is ecotourism? As with many things in 2020, the coronavirus pandemic brought with it a pause in the tourism industry. With this pause in tourism, travel, and everyday emissions the world was able to start to recover from decades of human pollution and issues (what issues? Specifics?). We all saw those amazing pictures of […]
Local Communities Saving Endangered Species

There is a delicate balance between the lives of people and the lives of animals. As a society, we often forget that we are part of nature ourselves. Our choices, our lives, and our beliefs are important factors in this world we all call home. While many of us in the United States may be […]
Sea Turtle Nesting Site: A Turtle Tradition

As they scuttle across the sand toward the ocean, newborn sea turtles are already creating decades-deep memories. They imprint on the chemical specifics of the sand, coast, and ocean. These become a coordinate system of directional cues that, ten to fifteen years later, guide mature females back to their birthplace. Just as the tide predictably […]
Amazon Extinction Debt

The Amazon Rainforest is many things: the world’s largest rainforest, home to one million indigenous people, a carbon sink helping to alleviate climate change. It is also a biodiversity hotspot providing habitat for 10% of all known species on this planet. Sadly, decades of deforestation have jeopardized all of the Amazon’s important functions. While this […]
Giraffe Population Decline Across Africa

African elephants are an infamous martyr to human encroachment and poaching. Their population’s devastating decline inspires outrage and calls for increased conservation. But, in the shadow of this outcry, another struggling African icon still waits for witnesses. The giraffe population decline is so severe, there are fewer giraffes than elephants left on this planet. Across […]
What you can do right now

What you can do right now VOLUNTEER – at a local wildlife refuge or at the numerous ethical wildlife sanctuaries around the world, that often need volunteers to help save animals. Speak Up for Wildlife – Speak up against animal cruelty, against trophy hunting, circuses that use zoos and wild animals that are used for […]
Japan Closes Last Fur Farm!

What Are Fur Farms? We are all consumers of some sort. From the food we buy to the newest line of Nike shoes – we are all part of a consumerist society. This is currently the reality of our world, we must buy things to function. And while many of the things we purchase on […]
Inside the Deadly Rhino Horn Trade

This is the story of Dawie Groenewald, an accused rhino horn trafficker, and John Hume, the owner of the world’s largest rhino farm—two men who know each other well and share a common goal: to end the South African and international bans on trading and selling rhino horn. Groenewald has agreed to see Brent and […]
Endangered Species Found in Regions of Myanmar

ENDANGERED SPECIES FOUND IN REGIONS OF MYANMAR From Mongabay newsletter: The first-ever surveys of forests in Karen state in southeast Myanmar — a region that was previously out-of-bounds for scientists due to security and political reasons — has yielded surprising results. Researchers have recorded at least 31 species of mammals in the region, more than half of which are […]
Breeding Population of Indochinese Tigers Brings Hope

A miraculous sighting has given scientists hope for a brighter future for the endangered Indochinese tiger. In 2017, Conservationists from Thailand’s Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) released observed findings documenting a second pair of breeding tigers in the region. Through surveillance cameras, conservationists have been able to estimate that this region of […]