Amazon Extinction Debt

The Amazon Rainforest is many things: the world’s largest rainforest, home to one million indigenous people, a carbon sink helping to alleviate climate change. It is also a biodiversity hotspot providing habitat for 10% of all known species on this planet. Sadly, decades of deforestation have jeopardized all of the Amazon’s important functions. While this […]
What you can do right now

What you can do right now VOLUNTEER – at a local wildlife refuge or at the numerous ethical wildlife sanctuaries around the world, that often need volunteers to help save animals. Speak Up for Wildlife – Speak up against animal cruelty, against trophy hunting, circuses that use zoos and wild animals that are used for […]
The Problem with Palm Oil (and what you can do about it)

The Problem with Palm Oil (and what you can do about it) Like me, you may find yourself spending a lot of time in lockdown reflecting on how the Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected our lives in many ways, including our consumption habits. People being quarantined at home, wondering how they will get their food […]
Why it’s Critical to Save the World’s Last Wild Places

In science, it’s rare that a new idea comes along that stops people in their tracks. For ecologists, this has just happened, in a paper that found that species living in wild places have more genetic diversity than the same species living in areas dominated by people. Wilderness areas have shrunk by a tenth globally […]