Wild Animals Belong in the Wild

Wild Animals Belong in the Wild Wild animals and humans were created to coexist on planet Earth, but not to interact. There is a distinct difference between coexisting and interacting. Coexisting means “to exist together or at the same time” or “to live in peace with each other.” Interacting means “to act together” or […]
Beluga whale

Species in Peril: BELUGA WHALE The phantoms of the Sea They are indeed whales Although the Beluga whale can also be found in subarctic regions, these whales are frequently seen in the coastal seas of the Arctic Ocean. When the sea in the Arctic freezes over, beluga whales travel south in large herds. Animals caught […]
Arctic Wolf

Species in Peril: ARCTIC WOLVES This polar wolf is what legends are made of Food? Yum Yum… Arctic wolves have a unique diet that consists of much variety. They are not afraid to go after animals larger in size if it means a good food source. Arctic wolves primarily hunt muskoxen and Arctic hares in […]
Glaciers around the world are melting. Why should we care?

A Melting Planet: glacier regression and rising sea levels Trift Glacier, Switzerland. Left (2006), Right (2015). Photo by Extreme Ice Survey Glaciers around the world are melting. Why should we care? Well, let’s first take a look at the United States. Almost 40% of our population lives in a coastal area. That means 40% of […]