Whale Bycatch: Killing Species by Accident

A pod of blue whales weaves through Pacific waters, each slender body exceeding the largest dinosaur. A humpback enchants the ocean as his midnight melody travels for miles. A nylon trap twists around a right whale, anchoring her underwater. Eventually, fishermen in pursuit of a different species find and discard her body to the dark […]
Threats to Sea Turtles Around the World

Sea turtles are found in oceans all over the world. They are incredible animals who can live up to 80 years in the wild. Though they have been around for over 100 million years, today 6 of the 7 species are classified as threatened or endangered. Overexploitation, pollution, and habitat loss are serious threats […]
Wild Animals Belong in the Wild

Wild Animals Belong in the Wild Wild animals and humans were created to coexist on planet Earth, but not to interact. There is a distinct difference between coexisting and interacting. Coexisting means “to exist together or at the same time” or “to live in peace with each other.” Interacting means “to act together” or […]
Bowhead Whale

Species in Peril: Long living whales Of all large whales, bowhead whales have the biggest head, thickest fat, and longest life span. These giants spent their entire time in the northeast place on earth and it is not easy to find many species adapted to ice better than them. Away from humans, the population size […]
Bluefin tuna

Species in Peril: Bluefin, the largest tuna The Atlantic bluefin tuna has small yellow fins with black edges and silver dots or bands on their bellies. It can grow up to 900kg and more than three meters and lives in the open seas. It never stops swimming to ensure getting enough oxygen from the water […]
The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue

The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue. When we talk about climate change, it often provokes conversation about the future and what it will look like. There’s talk of models and clocks and predictions. Much of the focus is on how much we really need to care and how much change we need to make. […]
Plastic’s impact on the environment

Plastic, in its essence, is a miracle product. The ability of single-use items to be manufactured in a cheap and quick manner has changed the way everything works. Packaging, construction, textiles, fishing nets, technology, medical devices and endless other things have been revolutionized by various forms of synthetic polymer compounds. Plastic is such a miracle […]
Beluga whale

Species in Peril: BELUGA WHALE The phantoms of the Sea They are indeed whales Although the Beluga whale can also be found in subarctic regions, these whales are frequently seen in the coastal seas of the Arctic Ocean. When the sea in the Arctic freezes over, beluga whales travel south in large herds. Animals caught […]
The Dark World Of The Exotic Pet Trade
Look at him Do you see his mother’s blood spill onto his fur? His face buried in her limp body unable to muffle his family’s screams ringing through the rainforest, rifle shots and the thud of ten bodies to the ground. Machetes carve through the chimpanzee troop to him. His little fingers cling to his […]
Big Cat Poaching: how to save our endangered felines from extinction

Poaching is the illegal hunting or capture of animals, and it is one of the biggest threats that exist to big cats. Lions, tigers, and jaguars are facing dwindling populations as a result of the years of overhunting. Without intervention and regulation, the animals may one day not exist in the wild, or at all. […]