The Ethical Concerns of Using Wild Animals as Ambassadors

Wildlife sanctuaries serve as crucial refuges for animals rescued from illegal trafficking, habitat destruction, and the exotic pet trade. Some of these animals, unable to return to the wild due to injury, trauma, or human dependency, become “ambassador animals.” These individuals help educate the public about conservation issues, often appearing in sanctuary programs to raise […]

Shark Overfishing: Why the Ocean’s ‘Bad Guys’ Need Protection

This summer is the 50th anniversary of one of the top-10 grossing films of all time: Jaws, the Steven Spielberg-directed movie in which a great white shark terrorizes a beach town. There will be festivities on Martha’s Vineyard, where the film was shot, lots of press coverage, and several symphonies even plan to perform the […]

Endangered Wildlife Can Help Fight Global Warming

What if saving the very animals that are threatened by climate change could solve global warming? Climate change is harming wildlife around the globe and puts more at risk of extinction with every degree of global warming. A United Nations report shows that 4 percent of all mammals worldwide would lose half their habitat if […]

Protecting the Lemurs of Madagascar

Protecting the Lemurs of Madagascar As we end the month of October, everyone is getting ready for the holidays, but there’s another important date that is often overlooked—World Lemur Day! This World Lemur Day, we are highlighting a wonderful organization dedicated to protecting the endangered lemurs of Madagascar. What Is Lemur Love? Lemur Love is […]

The War Against Rhino Poaching

An Iconic Animal on the brink The rhinoceros is a uniquely beautiful animal to be in the presence of. Its massive size and strength are of Jurassic proportions is a sight to behold. However, the time to witness one of these animals in the wild is ticking away as rhinos are being poached to extinction. […]

Shattering Life: The True Impact of Habitat Fragmentation

What is Habitat Fragmentation? Usually, habitat and fragmentation are separate words. So it might be a bit confusing when they are put together in one term. Let’s break it down. A habitat is the home of plants and animals, and it often contains the factors they need for survival. Fragmentation is when something is broken […]

Don’t Feed the Trash – The Opportunity Found in Food Waste

Food Waste in the United States When it comes to how individuals can make a difference in climate change, the feeling is predominantly hopeless, but there is a standout opportunity in all that melancholy, food waste. Research by Project Drawdown identifies reducing food waste as one of the top three most impactful climate solutions for […]

Bushmeat Trade in the Congo

Over 300 species of mammals are threatened with extinction. This includes Great Apes and many endemic species of critically endangered old-world monkeys living in the Congo. Poachers target these animals to sell them alive as exotic pets or in parts to various industries. This includes the bushmeat trade in the Congo, which directly threatens the […]

Whale Bycatch: Killing Species by Accident

A pod of blue whales weaves through Pacific waters, each slender body exceeding the largest dinosaur. A humpback enchants the ocean as his midnight melody travels for miles. A nylon trap twists around a right whale, anchoring her underwater. Eventually, fishermen in pursuit of a different species find and discard her body to the dark […]

The Truth About Roadside Zoos

Zoo officials will tell you zoos exist to educate, partake in conservation efforts, and provide a safe and friendly place where animals can thrive. Most zoos enforce specific rules and regulations to ensure the animals are treated well and provided with the necessities. Many are home to several endangered species facing possible extinction. Their goal […]


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