The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue

The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue. When we talk about climate change, it often provokes conversation about the future and what it will look like. There’s talk of models and clocks and predictions. Much of the focus is on how much we really need to care and how much change we need to make. […]
Plastic’s impact on the environment

Plastic, in its essence, is a miracle product. The ability of single-use items to be manufactured in a cheap and quick manner has changed the way everything works. Packaging, construction, textiles, fishing nets, technology, medical devices and endless other things have been revolutionized by various forms of synthetic polymer compounds. Plastic is such a miracle […]
Bumblebees are disappearing. What you can do about it?

What’s with all the buzz to save the bumblebees? Bees play a critical role in the environment. As pollinators, they support the growth and life of the base of every food chain; plants. Bees are the main insect pollinators, and honey bees alone are predicted to pollinate 80% of flowering plants in North America. The […]
The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue.

When we talk about climate change, it often provokes conversation about the future and what it will look like. There’s talk of models and clocks and predictions. Much of the focus is on how much we really need to care and how much change we need to make. How many toxins can we pump into […]