Conversations with
Shark Stewards
SAFE Worldwide speaks with Founder and Director of the non-profit organization Shark Stewards, whose mission is to save endangered sharks and rays from overfishing and the shark fin trade, and protect critical marine habitat through the establishment of marine protected areas.
Research Wild
SAFE Worldwide speaks with Michael Birt, founder of Research Wild, Inc. about their mission to advance global and local conservation efforts while educating future conservationists of the world. Michael also talks about their most recent projects and the work in their local community.
Friends of Manatee Lagoon
Anne Messer, Executive Director of Friends of Manatee Lagoon in West Palm Beach, Florida, explains the many threats and challenges these docile creatures face in our waters today as well as what every one of us can do help help save these beautiful sirens of the deep.
California Wolf Center
Theresa Kosen, Executive Director, and Ciera Maclsaac, Wolf Care and Reintroduction Coordinator, of the California Wolf Center in Julian, CA, joins SAFE Worldwide to discuss the history of the California Wolf Center, their mission to save wolves, and why this keystone species plays such a vital role in preserving America’s habitat.
JACK Primate Sanctuary
Roxane and Franck Chantereau, founders of JACK Primate Sanctuary share the story of how they got started, what it’s like to raise orphaned and traumatized baby chimpanzees and how illegal wildlife trafficking is destroying precious ecosystems and impacting the survivability of many primate species in the Congolese rainforest.
Friends of Rhino Foundation
Friends of Rhino Foundation (OFORA) in Indonesia, discusses the status and recovery of the Javan rhinos in Ujung Kulon National Park, in Indonesia, the last place on earth where these critically endangered animals can be found.
Dr Marni Lafleur, Founder and director of Lemur Love, discusses the many challenges facing wild lemurs of Madagascar in the wild and learn what this American NGO is doing to protect the species by working with the local communities and rangers in the field.
Tiger Conservation in India
Salim Ali, an expert tiger tracker in India is interviewed by SAFE Worldwide to get a better understanding of the plight of tigers in India and the threats they face from poaching, habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict near the national parks. And you can learn more about what is being done to protect the tigers in India.
Sea Turtle, Inc.
Sea Turtle, Inc. in South Padre, TX, joins SAFE Worldwide to discuss the story of how the organization is helping to save the Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles, which have been impacted by pollution, fishing entanglements, and climate change.
Yellowstone Wolf Recovery Project
Dr James Halfpenny, president of ‘A Naturalist’s world’, spoke with SAFE Worldwide on the grey wolf reintroduction project in Yellowstone and the recent decision to delist the grey wolf from America’s Endangered Species List.
Millions of Friends Bear Sanctuary
Cristina Lapis, founder of the largest brown bear sanctuary in Europe, shares how and why she started the sanctuary in Romania and how education and human intervention is critical to the survival of the brown bears in Europe.
Fundación Proyecto Tití
Rosamira Guillen, the Executive Director of the Fundacion Proyecto Titi, a Sanctuary, and organization, talks about their efforts to save the remaining cotton-top tamarins in Northwestern Columbia.
Wildlife SOS Elephant Sanctuary
Wildlife SOS, an NGO in Mathura, India, discusses the organization’s efforts in conservation of India’s dwindling wildlife and their habitat. SAFE Worldwide also tours the Elephant Sanctuary to learn about their care and enrichment.
Orangutan Foundation International
Dr. Birute Galdikas, a top expert on orangutans in the wild and founder of OFI, provides us with this video message from the island of Borneo, about the impact of palm oil on the survival of orangutans in the wild.
Grey Wolf Reintroduction Project
Nathan Valley, biologist and wildlife advocate who worked on the grey wolf reintroduction project in the 1990s, shares his experience regarding the 2020 decision to remove the grey wolf from the endangered species list.
Painted Dog Conservation
At the Painted Dog Conservation in Dete, Zimbabwe, local artisans create beautiful handmade animal art pieces out of illegal snares before it can kill or maim one of the critically endangered painted dogs.