Get Organized for a healthier Planet

Want to be an activist for the planet but don’t know how to start? Here are ideas and suggestions to help you on your way. 

Your vote and your voice are powerful

Don't think you can have an impact on climate change? We're here to tell you that your voice and your vote can change your world. And by speaking out and letting others know that their vote counts, we can create the powerful change we need to help heal the planet. Get registered to vote, if you are of age.

Become a community leader

Are you ready to tackle climate change at a higher level? Consider becoming a community leader, join your local city council or youth commission. Bring up topics of leaving in a healthier community and better yet, help make your town or city a climate hero by implementing changes to meet carbon emission goals.

Ways you to create change

Write to your elected politicians

Urge your elected officials to take a stance for climate change and reducing emissions in their areas of responsibility.   Hold them accountable for carbon emission goals.

Mobilize your local Community officials

Our city council people are accountable to the people who elected them in office.  Speak out at council meetings and ask that your city or town declare a climate change pledge.

Sign (and create) petitions

Online petitions are a great way to mobilize  the masses and help create change by letting our government officials know that people in their communities demand change for a healthier planet. 

Create a climate action forum

Check with your city  or library to set up a climate action group and help unite your community with a climate action plan that creates true change for your area.

Start a Plant-Based Home Group

Are you already supporting a plant-based diet?  Start a group in your community and make an immediate impact to your carbon footprint on planet earth.

Use our Speak Up talk to engage others

Not sure how to talk to others about climate change, use our Speak Up series to learn how to communicate with others and share with others the impact of the climate crisis.

Donate for a better Planet
Hand in hand

Join us On Social

Check us out on social media and sign up for our monthly  newsletter to et more ideas on how to help wildlife and support positive climate action.


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