
Polar Bear

Grey Wolf

Species in Peril: Grey wolves Cheetahs…This Big Cat’s Got Game These Cats are Fast! The cheetah is the world’s fastest land mammal. With acceleration that would leave most automobiles in the dust, a cheetah can go from 0 to 60 miles an hour in only three seconds. These big cats are quite nimble at high […]
Grizzly Bear

Species in Peril: GRIZZLY BEARS The largest mammal in North America Grizzlies love to eat! Grizzlies feed on berries, plant roots and shoots, small mammals, fish, calves of many hoofed animals, and carrion. Food is often cached in shallow holes, and grizzlies dig readily and vigorously in search of rodents. Each spring the bear marks […]
Mountain Gorilla

Mountain gorillas are considered critically endangered by IUCN’s Red List. Their numbers are precariously low at 1004 in 2019.
Painted Wolves

Their scientific name, Lycaon pictus, literally means painted wolf, referencing their mottled fur with black, brown, yellow and white colourings.

The cheetah is the world’s fastest land mammal. With acceleration that would leave most automobiles in the dust, a cheetah can go from 0 to 60 miles an hour in only three seconds.
Arctic Wolf

Species in Peril: ARCTIC WOLVES This polar wolf is what legends are made of Food? Yum Yum… Arctic wolves have a unique diet that consists of much variety. They are not afraid to go after animals larger in size if it means a good food source. Arctic wolves primarily hunt muskoxen and Arctic hares in […]