Yantse Finless Porpoise

Species in Peril: Yantse Finless Porpoise Only Freshwater Porpoises left in the World These Cats are Fast! Unlike their marine relatives, Yangtze finless porpoises is a freshwater species which can only be found in Yangtze river. They once shared their home with their close cousin, Baiji dolphin. However, after the Baiji dolphin was declared functionally […]
Overfishing: The Biggest Form of Poaching in the World

The consequences of poaching extend across the lines of moral, environmental, and human rights issues. It is an issue that is immensely complex to solve as it stretches to every corner of the planet, including the ocean. Illegal capture and killing of fish is one of the biggest forms of poaching in the world, and […]
The Climate Crisis: A Human Rights Issue.

When we talk about climate change, it often provokes conversation about the future and what it will look like. There’s talk of models and clocks and predictions. Much of the focus is on how much we really need to care and how much change we need to make. How many toxins can we pump into […]
Wildlife conservation success stories that bring hope for the future

Green Sea Turtles Surrounding the warm coastline of Raine Island off the Great Barrier Reef, hundreds of Green Sea Turtles wait to nest their eggs. At their peak, 60,000 females will nest in this area along with thousands of other females around the world. Weighing in about 300 bounds, with the ability to live upwards […]
Sea Turtle Nesting Site: A Turtle Tradition

As they scuttle across the sand toward the ocean, newborn sea turtles are already creating decades-deep memories. They imprint on the chemical specifics of the sand, coast, and ocean. These become a coordinate system of directional cues that, ten to fifteen years later, guide mature females back to their birthplace. Just as the tide predictably […]