SAFE Kids – Africa
Aaliyah wants to know…
What's the smartest animal on the planet?
Costa asked…
Why are giraffe's necks so long?
Jonas was curious as to…
Why are our ocean's so salty?
Gwynn queried…
Why and how do birds fly?
Angelique wondered…
Why are polar bears white?
What is poaching and what animals are affected?
What is poaching and what animals are affected?
Josh asked…
How do scientists help save many endangered animals?
Ying inquired…
Why is it important to protect the habitats where animals live?
Fatma wants to know…
How can I tell if a product I’m buying is safe for animals and the environment?
Eric asked…
How do animals stay warm in cold places like the Arctic?
Francisco pondered…
Why is it important to protect the habitats where animals live?
Taylor asked…
Why do some animals live in groups while others live alone?
Sunita inquired…
Why are some animals endangered, and what can we do to help them?
Francisco wants to know…
Why do some animals, like chameleons, change color?
Ruth wants to know…
Why do they say ‘curiosity killed the cat'?
Kelly was curious…
Why do some people value sharks’ fins, pangolin scales, and rhinoceros horns?
Zelda wanted to know…
What is the difference between a painted wolf and a wild dog?
Gavin inquired…
Do veterinarians use human medications on animals?
Kwai asked…
What happened to the dinosaurs?
Francisco pondered…
Why are some animals pets and others are not?
Sunita inquired…
What are some simple things I can do to help protect animals & the environment?
Abdul wants to know…
How do animals communicate with each other?
George posed the question…
How do plants and animals depend on each other in the wild?
Lucy asked…
Why do some animals sleep during the day and come out at night?
Colin wants to know…
How do bees make honey?
Jean asked…
Why do turtles have shells?
How do animals know where to find food and water?
Blaine is asking…
Hope queried…
What happens if we cut down too many trees?
Manon, from Montreal, wondered…
What do animals do during the winter?
Hugo inquires…
How do fish breathe underwater?
Valentina asked…
Why do elephants have such big ears?
Diego inquired…
What is the biggest animal in the ocean?
Constanza wants to know…
Why do some animals only come out at night?
Oscar asked…
Why is it important to recycle and not litter?
Elias pondered…
Why do animals live in different places, like deserts and rainforests?
Veeti asked…
How do frogs croak and how do they make those funny sounds?
Bjorn inquired…
How do plants grow from seeds
Birth wants to know…
How do snakes move without legs?
Maricel wants to know…
I want to work with animals when I grow up. What's the best way to make that happen?
Joel was curious…
Are rangers like superheroes for animals? What does their job consist of?
Dmitri wanted to know…
Why do some animals have tails? Do thyme serve any purpose?
Pranav inquired…
Why do the squirrels in my neighborhood bury nuts and do they find them again?
Trisha asked…
How do spiders make webs?
Eleni pondered…
How do dolphins communicate underwater?
Navita inquired…
What topics should I study in school if I want to learn more about animals?
Ronald wants to know…
What do butterflies eat and how do they find food?
Jocelyn posed the question…
Why do leaves change color in the fall
Jake posed the question…
How do birds know where to migrate
Annie asked…
I love whales. They are amazing. But how do they breathe underwater?
Heather asked…